The yearly "Rail" event had its 25th anniversary this year. I visit this and other events regularly so I do not intend to give a full coverage of all layouts on display. I picked a few that struck me.
I went to the show after work. I didn't have plans that morning but in an impulse I went after all. I didn't have my tripod or my DSLR with me. All photos are made with a simple pocket camera so please do excuse me if the photo quality lacks.
1 Well to start with I made some photos of an American themed layout in N-gauge. You might have noticed that sofar I never, ever took the trouble to photograph an N scale layout. That is because I usually find them very crappy. But this one was of a category of its own. A really well worked and excellently detailed layout. Well weathered scenery, astonishing trackwork. A splendid job. You will have a hard time to determine that this layout is actually N scale at all!!
4 Who says this is 1:160??
7 I visited the trade part of the event and took these photos especially for my friend Dieter, who likes streamlined loco's.
The Belgian Series 12 was built in 1939. Due to the outbreak of the war their number was limited to six only. I presume not much came of the expectations for this type: the war year cut their speeds low and after the war conversion to diesel and electric traction cut thier lifetime short. It is remarkable that the designers reverted to the Atlantic type. Personally I consider this type the pinnacle of Atlantic construction. Thankfully one made it to preservation.
9 Olaerts is the place to be if you wanna buy one. Make sure your wallet is big enough though!!
10 For the first time I saw the Brusio spiral viaduct modeled in HOm
11 The real thing
13 I photgraphed this layout before but I couldn't resist taking a few more pictures
21 A manufacturer of Dutch stuff. Stoom & Spoor productions ( in I-scale (1:32)
29 More and French layouts appear on Dutch Events and I must admit: they are usually very attractive!! This one is in 1:22,5
32 A model of the Dutch station Rotterdam Blaak
33 And what I consider the most beautiful Dutch steam loco: NS 6300
34 The Proto 87 convention 2009 took place in Houten during Rail. Various demonstrations and workshops took place to introduce the lay modelrailroader to the merits of this finescale norm. And I must say I was very impressed. Not only by the results which clearly distinguished themselves from "ordinary" H0 scale. But I was also deeply impressed by the dedication of the modellers and by the pain to which they go to achieve what they consider at best as "an acceptable level of detail".
35 This, ladies and gentlemen, is 1:87!!!!!!!!!
37 One of the layout was from Belgium or France (the owner spoke French). I forgot to took a photo from the layout name. Sorry!! If the owner ever stumbles over these photo's please report your name and I will mention it here. You deserve it!!
This layout is everything Proto 87 stand for. Just look at the building. Wow
38 Remember this is 1:87
41 and this trackwork
43 the perspective is crisp
44 But as you can see the building in the background are only a few cm's thicks!!
46 take a good look at the concrete slabs!
48 Unfortunately I didn't make a good sharp photo of this building. It deserved better than this. But this is the best I had and I liked the building so much I want to share this photo with anyway.
With this photo we part from this magnifecent layout
49 And now... last but not least. The layout of an English modeler who modeled.... a Dutch layout. "Is it forbidden by law?", he asked when I uttered my amazement about that. No, of course not. It is just so rare.
50 A DJH NS 7000 series loco which was, for now, hospitalized on a side track, awaiting repairs. The color is not correct. It is painted is lighter Staatsspoorwegen green. It should have been in dark NS-green. (see my NS7000 pages). The owner knew this.